There is a sacredness given to fire in the traditions of human civilization. It has been portrayed in various ways throughout human history and across the scientific, philosophical, and religious...
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The truth symbol is a widely recognized icon that represents honesty, integrity, and veracity. It's often used to signify the pursuit of truth and the determination to uncover the facts of a...
The Geneva Convention formed the Red Cross symbol 150 years ago to protect medical personnel assisting wounded people on the battlefield. The emblem identifies the humanitarian services offered by...
Agnosticism is a doctrine that the absolute truth about the existence of the supernatural is not known. The term implies that the nonexistence or existence of God or gods is not certain. It comes...
The divine feminine is the counterpart of the divine masculine and the other half of the universal energy. Everyone has both energy forms, irrespective of gender or sex. The divine feminine refers to...
Lust is generally termed as a sexual desire for another person. However, it can be a desire for power, fame, money, or other materialistic aspects. Lust should not be confused with passion (a drive...