Vesica Pisces Ancient Meaning

Vesica pisces symbol
The Vesica Pisces is an ancient symbol that consists of two overlapping circles, in which the center of each circle lies on the intersection of the other. Although it has been used for centuries, this symbol's origin still needs to be determined. In many cultures, the Vesica Pisces represents fertility, a woman's womb, and the Mother Goddess in ancient traditions and beliefs. 

What Is The Vesica Pisces?

The Vesica Pisces is a simple yet ingenious geometrical design. It consists of two identical circles overlapping each other so that the center of each circle lies on the other’s circumference. 

The unique center part created in the symbol resembles a fish’s bladder and also a fish. It gets its name from the Latin phrase fish’s bladder since it resembles the organ of a fish. The term also translates to Vessel of the fish.

The Vesica Piscis symbol is called Vesica Pisces in the singular form, and both are correct. 

Although the Vesica Piscis was first found in nature when humans first identified it, its origins are still up for debate. Apart from nature, the shape is present in the paintings of Jesus Christ and Buddha and in modern-day and contemporary architecture. 

vesicle pisces ancient meaning
The Vesica Pisces in sacred geometry represents the union of feminine and masculine energy, among other things.

Symbolic Meaning of Vesica Pisces

The Vesica Pisces symbol has various meanings associated with different cultures. It symbolizes fertility, a woman’s womb, and the Mother Goddess in ancient traditions and beliefs. 

The womb symbol was among the basic symbols depicting the goddess. It was also symbolized as Vesica Pisces, and this shape was similar to a fish. Vesica Pisces is the name used for the area where the two circles intersect, and they are the most fundamental keys of sacred geometry. 

In many ancient traditions, a circle represents the Creator or the Holy Being. The perfect shape or proportion signified the Holy Creator, who didn’t have a beginning or end. People believed it was the creative energy that existed before the creation of the universe, and there was no living being yet.

What Is The Meaning Of Two Overlapping Circles?

In the Vesica Pisces symbol, the intersection of a circle with a second one depicts the union of feminine and masculine energies and the expansion of duality. The shape emerging from overlapping the two energies is symbolic of a third energy. 

In simple terms, this form symbolizes the Divine Child according to the ancient narratives. 

Vesica Piscis In Sacred Geometry

The Vesica Pisces is a mathematical symbol often used in Venn diagrams, art, seals, and much more. Numerous symbols can also be derived from this shape, such as the Ichthys, Triquetra symbol, and Reuleaux triangle. The Pythagoreans also identified unique properties of the symbol. 

Regarding sacred geometry, straight lines of the geometric shape represent masculine energy, while curved lines indicate feminine energy. Upon adding the masculine and feminine energy, they discovered three numbers, √2, √3, and √5, having similar infinite properties to Pi (π 3.1415926…).

Besides that, the symbol is also the initial point of concepts like the Seed of Life as well as the Flower of Life. It has also been a symbol of the Freemasons and a source of power or strength. 

What Is The Vesica Piscis Hand Sign?

In early times, Christians greeted one another by forming the symbol Vesica Pisces with their hands. They touched the tip of their thumb and index finger of both hands with palms open and parallel to each other. 

This method is the origin of the modern praying gesture used by Christians. The only difference is that the palms of the praying hands are now joined.

Another way of making the Vesica Pisces hand sign was by making a circle by touching the thumb with the index finger in each hand and interlocking both rings. 

How Many Vesica Pisces Are In The Flower Of Life?

The Flower of Life is an intricate symbol that consists of 19 circles that are even and overlap each other. The symbol’s base is seven circles, called the Seed of Life, enclosed within a large circle. 

It is the base for all creation. Many geometric forms are present within the Flower of Life symbol, including various sacred shapes like the Metatron’s Cube, Platonic Solids, and the Merkaba. The symbol is also a part of many religious and spiritual concepts. 

vesica pisces
The Vesica Pisces is present in the Flower of Life symbol.

Vesica Pisces In Christianity 

Like the Vesica Pisces, fish occupies a special symbolic place in Christianity. They are a symbol of Jesus Christ, also called Ichthys. Jesus’s 12 apostles were fishermen. The fish symbol formed by the inner part of Vesica Pisces also symbolized the teachings of Christ.

Some early depictions show Lord Jesus inside the Vesica Piscis oval. It also symbolizes the Virgin Mary, a Mother Goddess, and her womb. 

In esoteric tradition, the fish represents the uterus or vagina, and the sacred symbol Vesica Pisces depicts divine femininity, fertility, and the birth of life. But in Christianity, it reflects God’s glory while the feminine notion gets subdued.

vesica pisces
The Ichthys symbol in Christianity is based on the Vesica Pisces symbol.

The Vesica Pisces in Early Christian Iconography

The symbol was also present in early Christian iconography, majorly in the ornament form of the figure of Jesus Christ. The Christian symbol is also prevalent in many architectural designs of churches and cathedrals. Jesus Christ as Vesica Pisces symbol is present in depictions as well as the paintings of later periods. 

The intersection of two circles of Vesica Pisces contains a lot of essential information. It’s a simple yet powerful manifestation symbol that encloses the universe’s secrets. Ancient civilizations used the symbol, and modern cultures continue to use it. 

If you found this article helpful, check out this post on the ancient symbolism of the Alpha and Omega.


Vanessa's liberal arts background has prepared her well for Symbol Scholar. A self-proclaimed theology nerd, Vanessa has interests in world religions, Reformation theology, history, and more. When she's not working, Vanessa enjoys spending time with her family, reading, exercising, and watching professional basketball.

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