What is the Hexagram Meaning?

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The hexagram symbol is a six-sided star shape, usually made up of two equilateral triangles. It's used in occult practices to connect with spirits. The hexagram is also the same symbol used in the Jewish tradition as the Star of David.

The hexagram is popularly known as Megan David or the Star of David. It is a Jewish symbol and it famously appears on the flag of Israel. Historians say this Hexagram first appeared in a 3rd or 4th-century Synagogue in Israel.

Later this 6-pointed star became very popular as a decorative motif in Synagogues. The hexagram also appears in other religions and cultures, evoking different meanings.

Origins of Hexagram

The hexagram is an example of sacred geometry. It has appeared in Synagogues and Churches for a long time to decorate walls. 

The hexagram began to grow more popular in the 11 century. It was used to decorate manuscripts and was officially associated with Judaism. The hexagram started appearing in multiple places and cultures in the middle ages and was known by different names. 

hexagram meaning
The hexagram, or the Star of David, is one of the most widely known Jewish symbols.

Seal of Solomon

The hexagram was known and referred to as the Seal of Solomon during the middle ages. Solomon is a biblical king of Israel and also King David’s son. The seal or signet ring was Solomon’s possession. 

The ring was believed to grant Solomon magical powers to bind and control supernatural creatures. Other legends speak of Solomon’s ability to talk with and control animals using the seal. 

With these abilities and the wisdom of King Solomon, the ring became an amulet or talisman. In medieval times, it was a precious piece of occultism and alchemy for renaissance-era magicians.  

You can also find the mention of the seal in the Testament of Solomon. In this testament, Solomon wrote about his experiences in building the Temple. 

The story begins with how Solomon received the seal from God. Solomon prayed to God about protecting the workmen building the Temple. The workmen were being disturbed by demons. So, God accepted his prayers by sending the seal. 

The story continues with how Solomon could control the demons with the help of the ring. There’s also a mention of how he made the demons work for him. Later, when the Temple was built, he trapped the demons in a bottle and buried them. 

Is a Hexagram a Religious Symbol?

The hexagram is related to many religions across the world. While it is most heavily associated with Judaism, it is also used in a number of other major religions, including Christianity and Hinduism.

Hexagram in Judaism and Christianity 

As widely known, hexagram is called the Star of David in Judaism. However, this symbol has existed in Jewish and Christian traditions for centuries. Nonetheless, the official use as a Jewish symbol began in 1897. 

At the first Zionist congress in 1897, the hexagram was used to represent the Jewish community. Since then, it became an emblem or identification mark for the Jews. With time, the hexagram was used in everything related to Judaism. 

It became more popular when Israel adopted the hexagram flag as the national flag of Israel. In Christianity, the Hexagram is quite popular in churches as an architectural pattern for decoration. Besides that, Jesus Christ is also portrayed in the hexagram. 

Nonetheless, you must remember that the Star of David is not just an overlapping of two triangles. The two triangles are interlocked in this Hexagram. 

hexagram meaning
As an important religious symbol, the hexagram is often found on gravestones.

Hexagram in Hinduism

The hexagram is also popular in Hinduism. It is known as Shatkon or Satkona. Shat or Sat means six. It is considered the male and female union – the Purush and the Prakriti. The upward triangle symbolizes the male, while the downward represents the female. 

The union of these two triangles is known as Shanmulha of the six-faced. It represents the origin and formation of life. Moreover, the hexagram is also used in various other yantras and rituals. 

The Anahat Chakra in Hinduism also bears a hexagram. It is one of the seven yogic chakras constituting twelve petaled lotus within which the hexagram is placed. Almost all Pagan religions hold a symbol of the hexagram in their rituals. 

Hexagram Meaning in Tarot 

In a Tarot reading, the Hexagram carries an important meaning. It is known as I Ching. I Ching one of the earliest divination tools. It uses 64 hexagrams that impart wisdom in the modern world. The formation of I Ching is also different from the other hexagrams. 

Each hexagram contains a six-lined, horizontally stacked figure. Among these lines, there are representations of Yin or Yang. All the lines in the Tarot hexagram have a separate meaning. As a whole, each hexagram adds additional meaning. 

They are symbolic of primary archetypes of human situations and not similar to the archetypal symbols in the 78 cards Tarot deck. Each archetype is a human situation, like a dilemma and relationship. Moreover, you can get 320000 possible permutations of each hexagram.  

Hexagram 49

Hexagram 49 is called the Revolution. Fire under water is the element of this hexagram. The meaning of this hexagram is that fire evaporates to water, and water puts off fire. Symbolically it means that a change can cause conflict, yet conflict can also bring change. The united meaning of this hexagram is that there will be a dramatic change in the affairs of the human cycle.  

Hexagram 44

This hexagram represents a situation in which the principle of darkness, after being eliminated, reappears sneakily and unexpectedly. The female principal comes to meet the male on his own accord. 

It is an unfavorable and dangerous situation, and we must understand and prevent the potential consequences as soon as possible. The hexagram is associated with the fifth month (June-July) because the principle of darkness gradually re-ascends at the summer solstice.

The Hexagram is a Sacred Geometry symbol that is not only related to Judaism but also to other religions and cultures. Besides being indicative of the seal of Solomon, this six-pointed star is also used in tarot to talk about human fortune.

Interested in learning more about other religious symbols? Check out this article on the Lion of Judah Symbol.


Vanessa's liberal arts background has prepared her well for Symbol Scholar. A self-proclaimed theology nerd, Vanessa has interests in world religions, Reformation theology, history, and more. When she's not working, Vanessa enjoys spending time with her family, reading, exercising, and watching professional basketball.

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