Powerful Spiritual Symbols and Meanings

spiritual symbols and meanings
There are many symbols across the globe related to spirituality. While some are restricted to specific cultures, others have evolved as multicultural emblems. These symbols carry significant meaning for those who practice these various forms of spirituality.


Hamsa is a palm-shaped amulet. It has an eye in the middle of the palm. Hamsa in Hebrew means “five.” It is widely popular among many societies across the world. The primary purpose of using the Hamsa symbol is to ward off negativity. 

References to Hamsa have been found throughout history as a representative of protection. It can be a powerful amulet to remove the stare of an “evil eye.” It is a malicious stare that can bring illness, unhappiness, and death. 

Being powerful in warding off negative energy, Hamsa is used by many religions and cultures. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam widely believe in and support this symbol. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The Hamsa symbol is an amulet meant to ward of negativity and harmful spiritual forces.


The pentagram is a five-pointed star, usually drawn in red or black ink with white space around the outside. Since 3500 BC, Pentagram can be found in pottery pieces in the Chaldees of Ancient Mesopotamia. 

As a pre-Christian symbol, the pentagram is often associated with witchcraft. However, it is representative of the qualities of a man. The four points represent the four elements, fire, earth, water, and air. The fifth point is the symbol of the spirit. 

Wiccans use this popular pagan symbol in many ceremonies. They use it to remember the nature of humanity. It is also used because of its power to keep away negative influences. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The pentagram is an incredibly old symbol and is most often associated with witchcraft and paganism.

Star of David

The Star of David is attached to Judaism. However, it was not a symbol that was religiously attached to Judaism. At the first Zionist congress in 1897, the Hexagram, Star of David, was used to represent the Jewish community.

Many believe it was King David’s symbol on his shields for war. Some associate the Star of David with the Seal of Solomon. Solomon was the son of King David. 

The Star of David is a talisman that some believe Solomon used to talk with animals. However, besides supernatural association, the Star of David is also linked with natural qualities. There is a belief that a hexagram is used to represent the six directions. They are Up, Down, East, West, North, South, and center. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The Star of David is one of the most well-known symbols of Judaism.


The cross is a symbol of Christianity. It represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life on the cross to redeem humanity from sin and death. 

The cross is also seen as a symbol of sacrifice and triumph. It represents our willingness to give up our lives for others.

spiritual symbols and meanings
The cross is a symbol and reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


Ankh is a symbol that looks similar to the cross. It has a loop or handle-like shape on its head. As a symbol of eternal life, Ankh originates in ancient Egypt. However, there is a widespread belief that Ankh is also a symbol of the Nile. 

It is a representation of how water can bring life and regeneration. You can see the Ankh present in the hands of Gods and Pharaohs. Furthermore, Ankh was also portrayed in tombs and art. 

Ankh has a tri-fold meaning, representing life, fertility, and life after death. Thus, it is considered a symbol of positivity. The continuity of life is expressed through the loop or knot on the cross. Nowadays, it is found in jewelry too.

spiritual symbols and meanings
The Ankh symbols

Yin Yang

Yin Yang is an ancient Chinese symbol that represents harmony in the universe. It has two parts, black and white. However, these two portions also represent masculine and feminine, positive and negative. 

The communion of the two portions represents the dependency of the universe on both energies. It is the combination of the two that makes your life balanced. Besides that, the duality of the mind and the world is also represented through Yin-Yang. 

To achieve spiritual awakening, we need to accept the duality in life.

spiritual symbols and meanings
The Yin Yang is a symbol of balance and harmony.

Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. Because it rises from mud and blooms above water, it symbolizes the soul’s unfolding, which can be seen as a transformation. The lotus flower represents purity, innocence, and beauty.

Many cultures and religions associate themselves with the lotus symbolism. Most associate it with the resurrection and power to rise from unfavorable conditions. Furthermore, it is a symbol that instills the idea of perseverance, which can help humans ascend to the top. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The lotus flower is an important symbol of renewal and transformation.

Evil Eye

The evil eye is a curse. It’s a belief that the power of a person’s gaze causes misfortune or injury. The talisman, also called the evil eye, is used to avoid that stare. Nowadays, you can find the evil eye in jewelry, wall hangings, and other places. 

Evil eyes can be found in many cultures, including those of the ancient Greeks and Romans, Hindus, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. In all these cultures, it is a protective force preventing negativity. 

Though popular in the contemporary, the origin of the evil eye is in the 6th century. You can hang the talisman in your home or workspace to remove any negative energy building up. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The evil eye is a talisman used to repel curses and negative energy.


Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle. It is present in many cultures, including Buddhism and Hinduism. The mandala represents non-duality or oneness. The intricate patterns symbolize self-discovery and the journey toward spiritual awakening. 

The intricate layers of the mandala represent that we need to move up through it. Some people use mandalas for meditation also. They stare at the sacred geometry to search for and understand the inner knowledge and power that leads to a journey beyond these borders into the immaterial. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The Mandala has an intricate design and represents one’s journey of self-discovery.

Om Symbol

Om is a sacred sound and a symbol. The combination of the three Sanskrit letters, A, U, and M, symbolizes the unity of mind, body, and spirit. Though it originates from Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism also use it. 

According to Hindu mythology, the vibration produced by the sound Om created the universe.

Many meditators across the globe use this sound to meditate. They believe that the Om allows the meditator to attain tranquility. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
Om represents the unity of mind, body, and spirit.

Dharma Wheel

The Dharma Chakra, or Wheel of Dharma, symbolizes the Buddha’s teachings and the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The wheel consists of several spokes from four to thirty-one. Each of these sets has varied meanings. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
The Wheel of Dharma is a distinctly Buddhist symbol and represents the cyclical nature of death and life.

Star and Crescent 

The crescent moon and star are symbols related to Islam. However, they are pagan symbols from Sumeria, Greece, and Rome. According to the followers of pagan religions, the moon is linked with the God Sin, and the star is related to the Goddess Ishtar.   

When the Ottomans conquered Byzantium, the star and crescent became symbols of Islam. Thus, it is a multicultural symbol representing power, glory, and purity. 

spiritual symbols and meanings
While the star and crescent are closely associated with Islam, these symbols originated in paganism.

There are plenty of other symbols with deep spiritual meanings. For more on some of these symbols, check out this article on healing spiritual symbols.


Vanessa's liberal arts background has prepared her well for Symbol Scholar. A self-proclaimed theology nerd, Vanessa has interests in world religions, Reformation theology, history, and more. When she's not working, Vanessa enjoys spending time with her family, reading, exercising, and watching professional basketball.

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